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4 ACP Sheet Stripping Machines Exported to Uzbekistan

ACP stripping machine for shipping

Shuliy Machinery recently shipped four ACP sheet stripping machines to Uzbekistan, assisting a local construction material recycling company in efficiently processing aluminum-plastic composite (ACP) waste. This case study details the customer’s needs, purchasing process, and how Shuliy’s solution met their business requirements.

Customer Background

The customer operates a construction material recycling business, specializing in the collection and recycling of various construction and renovation waste.

Their facility processes a large volume of aluminum-plastic panels and ACP-made advertising boards, which require an effective recycling solution to separate aluminum and plastic for reuse and resale.

commercial ACP separator for sale
commercial ACP separator for sale

How did the Customer Find Shuliy?

While searching for an efficient ACP recycling solution, the customer discovered Shuliy’s YouTube channel, which features detailed demonstration videos of ACP sheet stripping machines.

Impressed by the machine’s high efficiency and clean separation process, they contacted Shuliy’s sales team for further consultation.

Tailored Solution by Shuliy with SL-1000 ACP Stripping Machine

After assessing the customer’s ACP waste volume and desired processing capacity, Shuliy’s sales team recommended the SL-1000 ACP sheet stripping machine, the largest model available.

Given the customer’s high processing needs, Shuliy initially suggested purchasing five machines. However, due to budget limitations, the customer decided to purchase four machines instead and promptly made a down payment.

ACP scrap stripping machine factory
ACP scrap stripping machine factory

Timely Delivery & Customer Satisfaction

With a 15-day delivery period, Shuliy’s factory efficiently arranged production and shipping. The machines have now been successfully dispatched, ensuring the customer receives high-performance ACP recycling equipment on time.

Shuliy Machinery remains committed to providing customized recycling solutions for businesses worldwide. If you are looking for ACP sheet stripping machines or other waste recycling equipment, feel free to contact us today!

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